Krzysztof Grzondziel was born in 1959 in Myslowice, Poland. He graduated from the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts, the Graphic department in Katowice in 1984. Grzondziel’s first satirical work was published in Polish magazine ‘Karuzela’ in 1977. None of his works was published again! Grzondziel participated in dozens of team exhibitions. He never had an individual exhibition. Krzysztof Grzondziel has been awarded for his work many many times yet; (and as he says) that is not important to him! He loves eating potato pancakes, cutting grass and playing joker. Grzondziel’s last joke is winning the title of the best cartoonist of the year 2013. Krzysztof Grzondziel is living and working in Myslowice, Poland.
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