Each author is a personality, each artwork is a treasure. This way we could characterize the collection of selected cartoons that we have prepared for you. The Cartoon Gallery has the honour and pleasure to host on its pages the top cartoonists from the European cartoonistic scene whose work undoubtedly represent a very important part of the cultural heritage of mankind. Sensitive sensors of these outstanding artists reflect the atmosphere of the time, and point to the mistakes of man and mankind, and often offer possible perspectives. We have chosen for you only one drawing of each author represented in the Cartoon Gallery, which at the moment of choosing had the most to say to us. Therefore, let us listen to the symphony, which speaks to us by the works of the top European cartoonists – we will hear the beat of the collective European heart and also of the heart of the current European individual with all his troubles and joys. The artworks of some rare non-European artists certainly will add even more weight to this harmony.
The works exhibited at this “TOP SELECTION” exhibition created for you the following artists from 41 countries:
Alberto MORALES AJUBEL (ES), Milan ALASEVIC (SI), Fanney ANTONSDOTTIR (IS), Jozef BABUSEK – SCHEK (SK), Marian BACHRATY (SK), Stefan BANAS – GOLES (SK), Miroslav BARTAK (CZ), Jozsef Sandor BEKESI – JOE (HU), Ladislav BELICA (SK), Medi BELORTAJA (AL), Vladimiras BERESNIOVAS – VLABER (LT), Viktor BOGORAD (RU), Angel BOLIGAN CORBO (MX), Marcin BONDAROWICZ (PL), Steve BONELLO (MT), Bernard BOUTON (FR), Huseyin CAKMAK (CY), Nicoletta CECCOLI (SM), Constantin CIOSU (RO), Karol CIZMAZIA (SK), Andy DAVEY (GB), Marco DE ANGELIS (IT), Oleg DERGACHOV (CA), Luc DESCHEEMAEKER / O-SEKOER (BE), Stefan DESPODOV (BG), Siri DOKKEN (NO), Darko DRLJEVIC (ME), Rainer EHRT (DE), Alessandro GATTO (IT), Gerhard GEPP (AT), Jerzy GLUSZEK (PL), Oleg GOUTSOL (UA), Musa GUMUS (TR), Geza HALASZ (HU), Riber HANSSON (SE), Nikola HENDRICKX (BE), Aristides HERNANDEZ – ARES (CU), Arkadzi HURSKI (BY), Fero JABLONOVSKY (SK), Dusan JUNEK (SK), Marián KAMENSKÝ (AT), Kazo KANALA (SK), Vladimír KAZANEVSKY (UA), Yuri KOSOBUKIN (UA), Lubomir KOTRHA (SK), Michael KOUNTOURIS (EL), Bretislav KOVARIK (CZ), Vojtech KRUMPOLEC (SK), Viktor KUBAL (SK), Pawel KUCZYNSKI (PL), Firuz KUTAL (NO), Malgorzata LAZAREK (PL), Pol LEURS (LU), Slawomir LUCZYŃSKI (PL), Zarko LUETIC (HR), Riina MAIDO (FI), Cristian MARCU (RO), Pavel MATUSKA (CZ), Veruna MELCAKOVA – JUNEKOVA (SK), Nani MOSQUERA (CO), Miroslav MOTYCIK – MIME (SK), Urmas NEMVALTS (EE), Vangelis PAVLIDIS (EL), Olga PAZERINI (SK), Bobo PERNECKY (SK), Marlene POHLE (DE), Dusan POLAKOVIC (SK), Jordan POP-ILIEV (MA), Willem RASING (NL), Cristina SAMPAIO (PT), Juli SANCHIS AGUADO – HARCA (ES), Alexander SERGEJEV (RU), Hallvard SKAUGE (NO), Jiri SLIVA (CZ), Igor SMIRNOV (RU), Oliver SOLGA (SK), Borislav STANKOVIC – STABOR (RS), Agim SULAJ (IT), Constantin SUNNERBERG (BE), Achille SUPERBI (IT), Ernest SVRCEK (SK), Robert Laszlo SZABO – MARABU (HU), Pavel TAUSSIG (DE/SK), Ross THOMSON (GB), Jan TOMASCHOFF (DE), Laco TORMA (SK), Ivailo TSVETKOV (BG), Sergej TUNIN (RU), Omar TURCIOS (CO), David VELA (ES), Jozef VYDRNAK (SK), Silvan WEGMANN – SWEN (CH), Vlasta ZABRANSKY (CZ), Dana ZACHAROVA – JARUNKOVA (SK), Michail ZLATKOVSKY (RU), Viliam ZIVICKY (SK).
Please accept our invitation to the top European feast full of visual, emotional and intellectual delicacies of the highest quality. We wish you a pleasant experience.
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