……The fact that cartoonists are goodhearted and generous people certainly can not be doubted. Evidence of this fact is that as soon as the old year comes to an end and the new year begins they rush to wish their colleagues and all their close friends good luck of course by their own original way – by a small creative achievement in the form of New Year’s greeting created by drawing, painting or collage. Pour feliciter (franc. – For good luck) or abbreviated as P.F. is usually very imaginately and wittily made and should bring to its addressee in the coming year exactly what its name promises.
……And also to you – our fans – the 2012 would bring good luck and we are glad to share with you these New Year’s greetings – so called P.F.s.
…..So – happy and successful year 2012 !
(For fullscreen presentation in “Slideshow” mode click under the picture to such button)
…...Creation of the New Year’s greetings is not just a single issue, many artists and cartoonists devote to this creation regularly and lingeringly. We offer to you a wonderful example of this genre in the artworks of a leading Slovak cartoonist Vojtech Krumpolec:
(For fullscreen presentation in “Slideshow” mode click under the picture to such button
* See also the profile page of Vojtech Krumpolec in the section “Gallery” – click here